
Students in Circle photo

An advisory program can be one of the most effective tools in building relationships between students and an adult who advocates for them. The list of activities are designed to be used in a short time period of 15 - 20 minutes and have very little planning demands by the teacher. The only requirement is to have enthusiasm and fun!

We encourage you to give us feedback on these activities or better yet submit some of your favorites using the 'Contact Us' form!

Start the Year with 'Get To Know You' Activities

Hit by ball

Get to know your students with this list of activities to start the school year. Read on to the next page!

Try these from Education World, too - follow the link!

Icebreakers Volume 5: All-About-You Activities for the First Days of School
One of Education World's most popular features returns this year with 19 new getting-to-know-you icebreakers for the first days of school!

Encouraging Students to be Responsible

Sign photo

The month of October is an appropriate time for teachers to refresh students about their responsibilities not only at school but home as well. This month also may have parent-teacher conferences when goal setting is emphasized.

Teaching Tolerance

Martin Luther King

Advisory is the perfect place to discuss tolerance and impress upon students to respect each other. These activites are designed to help advisors get students to interact with each other in positive ways.