MMSA Writing Contest - Theme: Innovate !

Month of the Young Adolescence - MMSA 2017 Writing Contest

In recognition of March as the Month of the Young Adolescent, the Minnesota Middle School Association is pleased to announce this year’s writing contest. This contest is open to students currently enrolled in a middle school or junior high in Minnesota. Our MMSA theme this year is “Innovate.” All entries must follow the guidelines posted below.

What to enter: Each school may submit up to three entries. Students should think about any form of the word “innovate”. With that in mind, students may write original compositions that tell a story about a time where either they were innovative in something they did, or they observed innovation in a person around them. In that essay they should share why this was important to them. Each entry must be 200 words or less. The entries should all be headed with the student’s name, age, and school name and address, and the teacher contact information including email address.

Judging: There will be a blind review of all entries. The judging team will be made up of MMSA Board members. The decision of the judges is final.

Prize: The winning student will receive $100.00. The winning essay will be published in this year’s Minnesota Middle School’s conference program in December.

Deadline for entry: All entries must be sent by June 1st, 2017.

Submissions should be emailed or sent to:

Annette Strom
Ordean East Middle School
2900 E 4th St.
Duluth MN 55812

-or to-

Subject line: "Your School Name" Contest Entries