Duluth Summer Institute Survey

Please rate the quality of the Duluth Summer Institute with Rick Wormeli by completing the short survey.

At the end of this survey you will be able to download the CEU verification (administrators or teachers).

Thank you for helping MMSA provide a quality conference!

For verification only - your e-mail address will not be used for solicitation.
I was well informed about the objectives of this workshop
The workshop lived up to my expectations
This content is relative to my job
The workshop activities stimulated my learning
The pace of this workshop was appropriate
The instructor was well prepared
The instructor answered questions from the participants
The materials were appropriate and easy to understand
Provide better information before the workshop
Clarify the workshop objectives
Reduce the content covered in the workshop
Increase the content covered in the workshop
Update the content in the workshop
Improve the instructional materials
Make workshop activities more stimulating
Improve workshop organization
Slow down the pace of the workshop
Speed up the pace of the workshop
Allocate more time for the workshop
Shorten the time of the workshop
Allow for more breaks
Improve the quality of the food