AMLE Update

September 2016
Friends of the Association for Middle Level Education:

As we prepare for AMLE2016 this fall, I wanted to share some updates from AMLE Headquarters.

The 43rd Annual Conference for Middle Level Education, October 9-12, 2016, in Austin, Texas information:

  • Symposium on Middle Level Teacher Education, Sunday, October 9, 8:00 am – 3:00 pm is a ticketed event of the AMLE 43rd Annual Conference for Middle Level Education.
  • CMLA Summit, Sunday, October 9 10:00am – 5:00 pm, is a free event, an exclusive opportunity for registered attendees of the AMLE Annual Conference for Middle Level Education, and is designed for college students who are preparing to be middle school teachers and leaders.
  • Affiliate Leaders Strand, Sunday, October 9, 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • General Session, Monday, October 10, 8:00 – 9:15 am featuring Debbie Silver, Derek McCoy, John Bernia, Marlena Gross-Taylor, and Lucas Dix joining together to Connect, Reach, Create.
  • General Session, Tuesday, October 11, 8:00 – 9:15 am featuring Rosalind Wiseman and Robert Balfanz discussing "Why the Middle Grades Matter"
  • The Annual Business Meeting is on Tuesday, October 11, 10:15 am - 11:30 am
  • Reflections of AMLE Founders: Teaching in the Middle Grades: Our Collective View of Practices that Support Young Adolescents, Features Gayle Andrews, Barbara Brodhagen, and Micki Caskey, Tuesday, October 11, 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm

Check out: for more conference details

Research in Middle Level Education (RMLE) Online
Read the latest article from AMLE in RMLE Online: Analysis of Stakeholder Perceptions of a Clinical Model Involving Co-Teaching and Extended-Field Experiences in an Inclusive Middle-Grades Setting

Please see the summary below of the action and discussion items from the August 2016 board meetings.

Board Actions:

  1. Accepted financial statements.
  2. Authorized the Executive Director to send written notice to four affiliates regarding their existence.
  3. Honored Pat George with the AMLE Distinguished Service Award
  4. Honored Penny Bishop with the John H. Lounsbury Award for Distinguished Achievement in Middle Level Education

Board Presentations and Discussions

  1. Reports were received from President, Executive Council, Finance and Audit Committee, Research Advisory Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, and Affiliate Taskforce
  2. The Board received reports regarding Strategic Targets and Key Indicators and Trend Data 2015 – 2016.

Save the dates for 2017 Institutes for Middle Level Leadership

Sunday, June 25, 2017 - Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Orlando, Florida
Renaissance Orlando at Sea World

Sunday, July 09, 2017 - Wednesday, July 12, 2017
San Diego, California
Hilton San Diego Resort and Spa

AMLE is pleased to announce the locations of several future annual conferences:

2017 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 5-8
2018 – Orlando, Florida, October 25-27
2019 – Nashville, Tennessee, November 7-9

AMLE continues to feature several webinars each month that are free to all members including our new associate level of membership. Next webinar: Is it Working in Your Middle School? Leading & Project Management in the Middle Grades with Nikki Woodson and James Frakes, September 14, 4:00p Eastern. Also available are 50+ recorded webinars on a spectrum of topics of particular interest in the middle grades.

Join the fraternity of advocates who value and support the advancement of middle level education for the benefit of our young adolescents by making a tax-deductible donation to the AMLE Foundation Fund. For a contribution of $100 or more, you can become a "Friend of the Foundation." Gifts can be made in honor of a founder or key advocate of middle level education as part of the Legacy Circle.

I encourage you to follow AMLE on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. New information is shared on these social networks just about every day. More than 6150 people follow AMLE on Facebook, more than 8200 people follow AMLE on Twitter, we have more than 3136 members on LinkedIn, and 250 followers on our Pinterest page. To spread AMLE news please "retweet" or "like" the posts.

Please contact me if you have questions or concerns.


William D. Waidelich, EdD, CAE
Executive Director

Association for Middle Level Education
Direct: 614-212-7801 Toll Free: 800-528-6672 FAX: 614-895-4750

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4151 Executive Parkway, Suite 300
Westerville, OH 43081
614-895-4730 • 800-528-6672
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