Established in 1978 to serve as an education resource for teachers, administrators, parents and community members who are concerned about the developmental needs of young adolescents in grades five through nine.

About MMSA
Board Members
Membership Info
National Middle School Association
Middle Schools of Note

State Conference
Twins Event

Membership Info


What does membership offer you?

  • Automatic membership with registration to MMSA'S STATE CONFERENCE
  • REGIONAL SEMINARS led by middle level experts
  • Option to apply for TEACHER MINI-GRANTS
  • Three NEWSLETTERS each year that tell what's happening in middle schools across Minnesota
  •  MIDDLE LEVEL RESOURCES, including NMSA publications and videos at special discount prices!
  • STAFF DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES for you, your team, and your school!!
  • NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES with middle level colleagues from around Minnesota!
  • Opportunity for SERVICE on the Board of Directors
  • Current information about the NMSA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
  • And more!

What does membership cost?

Individual Membership -- $20 / year
3 newsletters, networking with other middle schools, staff development opportunities & discount on all NMSA publications / video tapes and networking opportunities

For membership application, click here.

For Dual Membership (MMSA & NMSA) information, Click Here


�2002 Minnesota Middle School Association